Editorial: Cassandra Complex - Canons & Carnivores
By Antony Johnston
Continuity is an obsession for many comics readers, but is it important? Antony Johnston considers the purpose of continuity and the reactions against it.

Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Great Thou Art
By Andrew Wheeler
When there's nothing in the comics news to inspire, it's time to cast all that tittle-tattle aside and go back to what it's really all about. Andrew Wheeler rejects industry for art, and turns a queer eye to his own fab five.

Editorial: Camera Obscura - Telling Tales
By Alasdair Watson
Alasdair Watson confronts the ultimate horror - bad storytelling - and considers how the constraints of the serial format have forced comics to go in limited directions while leaving other avenues unexplored.

Editorial: Cassandra Complex - Wishing & Whiskers
By Antony Johnston
After a recent Ninth Art article dared to be downbeat, Antony Johnston returns to the theme of the Golden Age to spell out the steps he thinks the industry needs to take to achieve that lofty ideal.

Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Critical Mass
By Andrew Wheeler
Everyone has an opinion, and on the internet, everyone gets to share. Is the comics industry cutting itself off from criticism as it attempts to tune out the crowds? Plus, two comics that could show the way for gays in mainstream comics.

Editorial: Camera Obscura - Pithy Remarks
By Alasdair Watson
A comics news site has stirred up a controversy by hiring a pseudonymous reviewer, and the comics clubhouse is outraged. But we need people like Jess Lemon, according to Alasdair Watson (if, indeed, that is his real name).

Editorial: Cassandra Complex - X-Treme X-Atlantic
By Antony Johnston
From one extreme to the other: Antony zooms round San Diego, then relaxes in Oxford, all the while musing about why no-one seems to read their comics more than once.

Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Conventional Wisdom
By Andrew Wheeler
As Ninth Art continues its seasonal exploration of convention culture, Andrew Wheeler reports on this year's San Diego Comic Con, from Neil Gaiman's hopes for the future to the Hall of Fame's look back to the past.

Editorial: Camera Obscura - Summertime Blues
By Alasdair Watson
It's summertime, and the heat is making Alasdair even grumpier than usual. And he's stuck at home while the rest of the editorial board are on holiday in San Diego. You've been warned.

Editorial: Cassandra Complex - Innovation & Incarceration
By Antony Johnston
Should artists play it safe or take a chance? Antony argues the case for being unreasonable, especially when progress is at stake, and does some pre-San Diego shilling into the bargain.

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