Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat
By Andrew Wheeler
It seems that just about everyone who reads comics also wants to create them, but is it the craft that appeals, or is it just that fans are too caught up in their fandoms? Andrew Wheeler fears the worst for the future of the industry.

Editorial: Camera Obscura - Café Society
By Alasdair Watson
A company that normally specialises in personalised T-shirts and mousemats is looking to move into the publishing sector - by letting customers publish their own books. Is this a revolution in the making for the mini-comics crowd?

Editorial: Cassandra Complex - Festivals & Finds
By Antony Johnston
Returned from this year's UK Comics Festival, Antony ponders the nature of conventions in a country that no longer has an industry of its own; and points readers to a few comics that don't need or care about the industry, anyway.

Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Community Chest
By Andrew Wheeler
Recently returned from a three-day drinking session with other comic fans, Andrew Wheeler's thoughts turn to the comic community; its addictions, its allegiances, and whether Team Comics should feel obligated to Fantagraphics.

Editorial: Camera Obscura - Punk As Folk
By Alasdair Watson
Never mind the mainstream; it's at the fringe that comics are likely to find a receptive market, and in that market, originality really counts. Alasdair Watson argues the case against cover versions.

Editorial: Cassandra Complex - Dates & Dustjackets
By Antony Johnston
Someone left Antony locked in a room, going slowly mad - and it turns out it was Antony. It looks like he'll be let out in time for the Bristol comics convention, but in the meantime he's been staring at book covers. Just staring and staring...

Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Free For All
By Andrew Wheeler
Free Comic Book Day is upon us. Andrew Wheeler offers a word of advice on how existing comic readers can take advantage. Plus, has X-MEN 2 got what it takes to please your inner fanboy?

Editorial: Camera Obscura - Surf Safari
By Alasdair Watson
The internet has opened up all sorts of new avenues for comics storytelling, most of which remain entirely unexplored. Alasdair Watson offers a few suggestions for exploring this untapped potential.

Editorial: Cassandra Complex - None More Black
By Antony Johnston
They're a strange social minority who are shunned by mainstream society for their peculiar ways. But unlike comic readers, they have their own nightclubs. Antony Johnston revisits the goth scene.

Editorial: Face It, Tiger - Living Comics
By Andrew Wheeler
Ninth Art for breakfast, Ninth Art for lunch, Ninth Art for dinner; Andrew Wheeler reflects on the 9A experience so far. Plus, the party line from Grant Morrison's recent appearance at the ICA in London.

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