First & Last: Steve Gerber
By The Ninth Art Q&A
From Superman to the Stooges to the Stones, the creator of HOWARD THE DUCK and new sleeper hit HARD TIME does his best to avoid "facile fluff".

Alphabetti Fumetti: J is for Johns
By Bulent Yusuf
Ninth Art profiles three more of comics' great and good, this time putting the spotlight on master inksmith Klaus Janson; comic covers superstar James Jean; and the king of superhero nostalgia, Geoff Johns.

Alphabetti Fumetti: I is for Infantino
By Alistair Kennedy
Comics are a fickle business, where management failings are better remembered than artistic triumphs, one book can make an up-and-comer arrive, and pioneers don't often get their due. Ninth Art's ABC reaches Infantino, Irving and Isabella.

Alphabetti Fumetti: H is for Hergé
By Bulent Yusuf
It's TINTIN to TANK GIRL via LOVE AND ROCKETS as Ninth Art's eclectic guide to some of comics' key creators reaches H, where we meet one famous Belgian, two legendary brothers, and a whole band of cartoons.

Alphabetti Fumetti: G is for Gaiman
By Alistair Kennedy
Ninth Art's tour through some of the biggest names in comics reaches G, where Alistair Kennedy looks at Gaiman beyond SANDMAN, Gerber's trouble with HOWARD, and Grayson's obsession with NIGHTWING.

Alphabetti Fumetti: F is for Feiffer
By Bulent Yusuf
Ninth Art's catalogue of comics continues, showcasing two men who created the superhero as we know it, and one man seemingly possessed of superpowers of his own; Bill Finger, Gardner Fox and Jules Feiffer.

Alphabetti Fumetti: E is for Ellis
By Alistair Kennedy
Ninth Art's A-to-Z guide to some of comics' biggest movers and shakers reaches three creators with firm attitudes to superheroes, and notably idiosyncratic voices; Warren Ellis, Steve Englehart and Garth Ennis.

Alphabetti Fumetti: D is for Ditko
By Bulent Yusuf
Ninth Art continues its tour of some of comics' key creators with a look at the legend who gave SPIDER-MAN his swing, the geek who gave HULK his heart, and the cartoonist who gave 90s comix a kick.

Alphabetti Fumetti: C is for Claremont
By Bulent Yusuf
Bulent Yusuf's idiosyncratic abecedarium continues with three of comics' high Cs - X-MEN legend Chris Claremont, freaks' and geeks' darling Daniel Clowes, and the pioneer of the alternative set, Robert Crumb.

Alphabetti Fumetti: B is for Byrne
By Bulent Yusuf
Ninth Art presents the lowdown on three more of the comic industry's leading lights with profiles of Vertigo's big cheese, the man who gave Judge Dredd his distinctive sneer, and the Michael Jackson of superhero art.

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